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Studio Amps

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Topic Studio Amps
I currently have a marshall AVT 150 that i am using to record and i am not pleased with the distortion sound at all. I am also using a good guitar, gibson SG. Are there any other amplifiers that can be suggested to get a good crisp distortion sound? Thank you.
you could go with a pedal. the sansamp gt2 is a pretty cool box that a lot of bands i know use. does marshall, mesa and fender amps pretty well. i dig the fender/british setting. gets that big crunchy british sound. only costs around $100. has something for everybody.
I think there are a couple of options. One is a amplifier modeler. The plus of that is that you get a number of different amplifiers, fairly realistically recreated. The downside is that it reproduces the amplifier at only one setting determined by the manufacturer. If you like that setting, then great, if not, then you won't be pleased. My favorite low cost ones are the digitech line.

For major flexability and live performing, check out the Tech 21 Trademark 60 amplifier. It is from the guys who made the sans amp. It has a number of tones, the ability to really adjust your sound, and pretty good power for a small amp. It's designed for recording too. You can check it out at their website, including sound samples. I just got one, and I think it's the best thing out there!
There are also some really good "bang for the buck" options with the Behringer V Amp line. They are very inexpensive modelling units that sound fairly good.

Try here:


They also have a number of combo amps based on the same modelling:

The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD