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Thread Newbie needs some help!

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Topic Newbie needs some help!
Hello all,

I've recently bought a new PC (Asus mobo, P4 3.0Ghz & 512 ram at the moment), I've loaded cubase SX plus I want to use my old Yamaha SW1000xg for midi only and my new Delta 66 sound card for audio. Does anybody know how to get the MIDI from the yamaha card into the delta inputs so I can hear the midi I play/record. I currently have a small mixer, monitoring through the control room setting (stereo in and out) but if I connect the audio out of the yamaha card into my mixer to hear the midi that's being played, I get the midi music recording on audio when I try to put down guitar tracks etc. Very confused at the moment.

Any help would be appreciated


What kind if mixer do you have? You need to come up with a routing scheme through it that will allow you to record something other than the bus that your monitors are on.
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD
i have a behringer 1604A but I think I've sussed it! If I mute the channel the midi is coming in on, I can then route it through the alt 3/4 bus to control room. When i want to record the midi to audio I just unmute and voila. It took my two weeks to get my head around this. Thanks for your reply.
But don't fret. Unless your soundcard has a MIDI interface on it, there's no way you can plug in to the card from the MIDI out. Remember, MIDI isn't actually sound data. MIDI is just a bunch of bits! Do you have an available USB port? If I were you (and I use MIDI in my CUBASE SX too), I would pick up a MIDI to USB interface ($39.99 or so) and run it from my instrument straight into the USB port. From there, you can do anything you want! Good luck!!!