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Thread What can i do with...

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Topic What can i do with...
So I have a 17 in Mac PowerBook G4. I was just looking for a program for making various baselines and beats, electronica stuff. I've heard of Reason, don't know what thats all about though. Then there is Logic Pro and Soundtrack, I've never used those but they are the first things to come to mind seeing how they are the mac programs. I'm not a really serious musician or anything I just like playin around with this stuff, any suggestions?
Thanks guys, I'll be looking into getting reason.
reason 3 is amazing, and logic pro would work great with it
Reason is an awesome program and fairly affordable. Although you can't record live audio, you can write very involved MIDI based songs, even without a controller keyboard (you can use your mouse!). Reason has everything you need to make complete (drums, bass, synths, samples, just not a full voice or guitar track), polished, nearly-cutting-edge music (I say nearly, but you can actually get some very cool new sounds if you experiment deeply enough). There is a bit of a learning curve, so I'd suggest getting a book or two for whichever version of Reason you get. It really is a very useful piece of kit. There's even a full compliment of effects plugins. For the full lowdown, visit the Propellerheads web site... https://www.propellerheads.se/