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Dunlop Jazz III XL Nylon
Dunlop Jazz III XL Nylon
Guilll Guilll
Published on 05/01/09 at 08:11
I use this excellent pick for about a year, or almost exclusively.


- Its very powerful because rather thick and very hard (meaning really the difference with another pick!)
- Its a bit more "rich" compared to other picks. It still remains quite subtle, it's just a pick ...
- Highly accurate with its pointed end
- Do not slip through your fingers
- Red! So hard to lose
- Very strong

Its weaker points:

His sharp appearance tends to give her a bit more aggressive and sharp with another pick, which does not fit all styles. To sound a bit "softer" I played with the band, which is very easy because the pick is quite broad. That said, I would still like to have one or two with a bit more rounded. Perhaps trying to resize?

Before trying it I did not pick that could have such an influence on the sound ... A test is quite surprising. Probably the cheapest way to improve its sound