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Marantz SR 5500

All user reviews for the Marantz SR 5500

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  • nico771nico771

    Marantz SR 5500Published on 01/09/05 at 08:59
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)

    I just bought a Marantz SR 5500 receiver and a CD / DVD / SACD Philips DVP 900 SA. I plan to buy the speakers properly in a 2nd time to use 60% music, 40% HC
    What do you recommend as an association?
    I read that Marantz + Cabasse gives good and I thought rsultats including (+ price range) of Cabasse Jersey 360 + possibly Antigua config HC
    Also yesterday I cost in an auditorium hi-fi music on the speaker columns Ellipson Marantz PM 7200 + and I found your exact plutt well
    Thank you for your advice