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Jackson X Signature Adrian Smith SDX - viouu's review
translatedcorp basswood, box handle 22 with a radius 12-16 and C but flat profile of bizare BTW, an easel-type floyd rose, HSS config, volume 1 tone. Very good value taken UTILIZATION profile of the han…
Jackson USA Signature Adrian Smith San Dimas DK - "Old school style San Dimas"
Adrian Smith used to use Jacksons in the past quite a bit. While he tends to play more brands than the other guys in Maiden, it was really necessary for him to have his own special signature guitar,…
Jackson USA Signature Adrian Smith San Dimas DK - dylanrooster's review
translatedJackson San Dimas Signature Adrina Smith - Made in USA - Maple neck, 22 frets, ebony fingerboard. - Alder body - Pink Floyd - Motorsports Jackson - Pickups, DiMarzio Super Distortion (br…