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Jackson USA Signature Adrian Smith San Dimas DK
Jackson USA Signature Adrian Smith San Dimas DK

STC-Shaped Guitar from Jackson belonging to the Adrian Smith series

dylanrooster dylanrooster
Published on 06/13/09 at 08:52
Jackson San Dimas Signature Adrina Smith

- Made in USA
- Maple neck, 22 frets, ebony fingerboard.
- Alder body
- Pink Floyd
- Motorsports Jackson
- Pickups, DiMarzio Super Distortion (bridge), Fender Hot Samarium Cobalt (middle), Fender Hot Samarium Cobalt (neck).
- 5-way switch.
- 1 volume, 1 tone


Contrary to what one might think upon seeing the first time it has nothing to do with a Start, apart from the form ....
Let me explain, first the stick is a real massacre, nothing to do with the kindling of Fender (dslé for purists). It is the end is well rounded, the grip is really great, we even feel that it is brushed so it plays well.
Good access to treble is not that difficult, as a strat obliges, but when you're used to 24 frets (which is my case), it's a little weird, but we made it very quickly.
So like say, level grip, flawless, plus it makes its small weight, so that when you play standing on "feel" and I love the guitar!


I play mainly heavy metal, and I'm a huge Maiden fan, so .....
Let's start by the popping sound, time for action now! lol
With the DiMarzio Super Distortion at the bridge, this guitar is a real BOMB!! The sound is bold to wish, and full of mids, giving the instrument a great presence. I play on a Laboga Mr Hector, and the combination of the two is a real killer!
With Hot Samarium in distortion, you get more vintage sound, with not too much gain, ideal for blues and jazz solos.
Cons by its clear this is qu'interviennet these micros.J 've been pleasantly surprised by their behavior. I was waiting for me to have more slam than anything else but no! In the end it's round, it's hot, with a little snapping crystalline discrete short it's great!
In short, sound level, with such a configuration, you can play everything ...


I use it for a week (and yes it's fresh!) And I have the model entirely white with ebony fingerboard.
The only small problem I found is that the Floyd can not be "fired", but only pushed because the guitar has not been excavated below the floyd. But with a small adjustment we can raise slightly, but the good shots at the Floyd Herman Li are not permitted!!
Like I said, she has the mouth of a Start, but only that mouth! Jackson is a real, cut for big riffs saturated. And on the other side through the Fender pickups you have a super versatile guitar.
I could buy it for 1850 usd. Is it expensive?? It's a signature model, made in USA, and so special. At that price you find LTD (and god knows I'm a fan of ESP!) Ouija made it in Indonesia ... so to think about ....
By signing on the head of this instrument, Sir Adrian Smith gave us a quality instrument and for me a safe bet.
I remake that choice without hesitation.