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Yamaha PSR-S900
Yamaha PSR-S900

Keyboard Arranger from Yamaha belonging to the PSR series

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Neiv Neiv
Published on 04/20/11 at 01:55
The character you knew her! They are many and that's great!
Good keyboard ... is better ... Worse, too!
I drop a little note, however, because of this:
The synth itself is quite fragile. one day is the little rubber (in the LA in the middle) that died. Tapidement I needed, I did change and Ooch 200 euros, that bush! For a single note that does not work-_-! Finally, the apparatus is electro ^ ^
A problem as one day with the screen it was a kind of band in the middle but this I think it's my fault (it fell one day).
So rather fragile overall. You can see it elsewhere.
Quite heavy but gets worse ...


The general config is simple suuuper! or should really be noodle! We light, we choose a sound, we play is spot on! similar to the styles, and so is everything! Frankly this is super ergonomic keyboards! In all the synths I had after I broke my teeth for months to understand. This one is very simple in comparison!!
Everything is easily accessible and I found the book pretty damn good compared to other machines or korg we do not care a bit about yourself (I'm not denigrate love this brand ... but at the books often c ' is hard)
Good must not hope to do with sound design. But overall you get to do whatever we want with the sounds:)
Sounds indeed!
- Piano: the best of my setup! We can not say they sound like a piano, but they are actually beautiful!!
- Electric Piano: Not bad at all!
- Violins: Awesome! The sets are gorgeous!! A real pleasure! The violins combined with a set which we will drop a little volume are nice ...
- Guitars: The Guitar Hero is just the best guitar I've heard on a synth! The acoustics are great too. The bass is cool but in my opinion, a page would have been more welcome.
- Trumpets Brass etc: Yeah nice ... I use it not
- Choirs webs: Cool! really coool!! Gothic choirs give chills!! Turn them a bit of attack and you do what you want! groundwater well, but small enough for a synth
- Synthesizers: Well ... Jean Michel Jarre very typical ... no techno. no tricks Saiga and aggressive ... damage.
The drum kits are cool
The organs are exelente! plus we can get his own ... really nice!!

Everything sounds pro and quality exelente ... a bit too if I wanted to be boring ... lack of engineers' delirium.


An EXCELLENT arranger ... The best (after the Tyros) ... A bit expensive, but you pay the quality and number of possibilities!! Getting started really tip top in the world fabuleu synths, composition and arrangement. My first real synth, and I apart. He is an inspiration to me !!!!! It is a beginning of openness to creativity!!