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Thread What is the "MIDI control" topic?

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Topic What is the "MIDI control" topic?

The softwares available on the market today have outstanding functionalities and performances. To be able to use them fully, the user must be able to change the parameters very precisely and instantly.
When using a multi-track recorder, a virtual studio, or even a virtual instrument the mouse and the keyboard of your computer quickly become a limiting factor. The mouse can control only one parameter at a time and its precision leaves something to be desired.
The solution to these problems is the purchase of a control surface adapted to the needs of DAW. A control surface offers the same sensations as a classical hardware mixing desk.
A comfortable mixing desk with a maximum of controls taking the form of pots or faders is one of the key elements for professional audio engineers.
A good control surface is just as important as a good visualization tool (screen) to take advantage of all the possibilities offered by DAW systems.

So, if you are building your own studio, you will probably face the question: "how to optimise the ergonomy of my et up". The best way to find the optimal solution is to share your experience... :D

So welcome to this board and let us know what you use, or what you are looking for!

Thanx! This is the firts time I see such a topic on a forum, it's realy cool ;)

Im pondering on the idea of a Mackie Universal is there any others similar on the market and within the same price range? Id like play and mixing functionality.
Any thoughts let me know.
Thanks in advance on a good Forum.