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[Musikmesse] Clay Paky Alpha 700 & 1500

The Italian manufacturer has introduced new models in its Alpha line: The 700 & 1500 Series.

Series 700 includes 3 models: the Alpha Spot 700 HPE, the Alpha Wash 700 and the Alpha Beam 700. Not much info for now, except that they seem to be very compact.

The Alpha Beam 1500 is now complemented by the Alpha Wash 1500 LT (Long Throw). This powerful light (45,000 Lux) will feature a comprehensive color “engine”, including a CMY system, a wheel with selected colors and a CTO filter for color temperature adjustment. Beam diffusion and opening angle can be adjusted at will using a linear zoom and 2 rotating beam shapers. A dimmer and a shutter/strobe are designed to allow full intensity control.

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