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Friday's Freeware : Effects for Live and a synth

Desert Sound Studios offers a multi-effect plug-in for Live 8 & 9. If you don't use Live, you can also download Ultrakiller which is now free.

The MK-III Effects is a Max for Live module which gathers the Desert Sound Studios paid MK-III Drum Module. You’ll get a multimode filter, a bit crusher and a synced-tempo delay with low-pass filter.

The plug-in is available for free at desertsoundstudios.com.

If you use Windows and Live, you get two freewares this week. Novakill has just announced that its Ultrakiller VST virtual synth is now free. The instrument features 2 oscillators, each with multiple waveforms, two independent multimode filters with various routing possibilities, three envelopes, two LFOs and a modulation matrix.

All this for free by checking out www.novakill.com and clicking on the Ultrakiller picture.

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