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Alembic F-2B

All user reviews for the Alembic F-2B

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  • BoitaBoita

    Alembic F-2BPublished on 10/10/06 at 13:15
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Preamp with two independent channels, each embeds a 12AX7.

    Connector: 2 input jack per channel, per channel output jack and an output jack that mixes both channels.

    Tonestack "basic" type fender: bass, mid, treble and a bright switch.

    Simple and effective, DI output would be nice, however.


    No need for manual, one branch with all knobs at noon and it sounds right now!

    The original model can also send the output of a channel in the entrance of the second to have a big greasy distortion. Not try at home, I mounted a canal.


    The sound is very respectful of the low, round and warm, it gives a feeling of fluidity, the "liquid". The highs are par…
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    Preamp with two independent channels, each embeds a 12AX7.

    Connector: 2 input jack per channel, per channel output jack and an output jack that mixes both channels.

    Tonestack "basic" type fender: bass, mid, treble and a bright switch.

    Simple and effective, DI output would be nice, however.


    No need for manual, one branch with all knobs at noon and it sounds right now!

    The original model can also send the output of a channel in the entrance of the second to have a big greasy distortion. Not try at home, I mounted a canal.


    The sound is very respectful of the low, round and warm, it gives a feeling of fluidity, the "liquid". The highs are particularly beautiful.

    on the other hand do not look too modern or its type, does not carry preamp effect and does not sound triturated!
    Small saturation can gain by pushing the bottom, with a beginning of compression and it's still very musical.

    My model is homemade, constructed from the original scheme, which is a Fender ressuscée a scheme elsewhere. I just replaced by a model tonestack Baxandall, and turned the knob and switch mid bright. It works the thunder!


    This is my favorite preamp, it is simple, reliable and musical and well worth a pre Ampeg for 10x cheaper.

    In making his report I found DIY q / p unbeatable since the cost is minimal components for a great result.

    I do not know the dimension of the model plant but it does not look far since this model is not well known. He thus escapes the fashion of the vintage and the prices that go with it.

    For hackers: http://www.moosapotamus.net/IDEAS/F2B/alembic.htm
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  • François34François34

    Alembic F-2BPublished on 07/21/09 at 05:38
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    What type of amplification (lamp, transistor ,...)? Lamp
    What is the power delivered?
    What connection? 2 channels completely separate two outputs plus a mix
    What are the settings, effects? ...


    The setup is simple? Volume, low, medium, treble
    Do you get a good sound easy? All afternoon and it sounds. before I had a Hartke around with settings and it sounded average.
    There with an amp sound Mackie ass, I have a round sound and powerful monster!
    The manual is clear and sufficient? ...


    Will it fit your style of music? Perfectly
    With what (s) guitar (s) / low (s) or effect (s) do you play? Stingray 5 string
    What kind of sound you get and w…
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    What type of amplification (lamp, transistor ,...)? Lamp
    What is the power delivered?
    What connection? 2 channels completely separate two outputs plus a mix
    What are the settings, effects? ...


    The setup is simple? Volume, low, medium, treble
    Do you get a good sound easy? All afternoon and it sounds. before I had a Hartke around with settings and it sounded average.
    There with an amp sound Mackie ass, I have a round sound and powerful monster!
    The manual is clear and sufficient? ...


    Will it fit your style of music? Perfectly
    With what (s) guitar (s) / low (s) or effect (s) do you play? Stingray 5 string
    What kind of sound you get and with what settings ("crystalline", "fat ",....)? Round, warm
    What are the sounds you prefer, you hate?


    For how long have you been using it? I use it for two years
    What thing do you like most/least about it? Simple, effective, perfect sound
    Did you try many other models before getting this one?
    What is your opinion about the value for the price? Too expensive for my taste but not equivalent
    Knowing what you know now, would you make the same choice? Yes ...
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