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Akai Professional CD3000i

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    Akai Professional CD3000iPublished on 10/12/12 at 02:24
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    32 channels
    Indeed card (optional) OK
    converter 44.1 kHz
    Converters: mainly use with discs of samples, but

    disable input analog available unlike other series of CD3OOO
    Eight separate outputs!

    the interest lies in its internal CD drive in facade I do not need to connect a SCSI drive with its associated power supply and cables that go with scsi. In addition it can sample the audio CD, which is quite handy

    the big plus is its clear CD ...


    configuration simple enough, enough manual supplied editing sounds ok to disk after it necessary to understand the mechanism for editing sounds on CD (not modifiable

    actually quite easy


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    32 channels
    Indeed card (optional) OK
    converter 44.1 kHz
    Converters: mainly use with discs of samples, but

    disable input analog available unlike other series of CD3OOO
    Eight separate outputs!

    the interest lies in its internal CD drive in facade I do not need to connect a SCSI drive with its associated power supply and cables that go with scsi. In addition it can sample the audio CD, which is quite handy

    the big plus is its clear CD ...


    configuration simple enough, enough manual supplied editing sounds ok to disk after it necessary to understand the mechanism for editing sounds on CD (not modifiable

    actually quite easy


    converters then quite round but rather pêchus
    filters typed readily identifiable
    dynamic downright ok


    2 years
    feature> not have to stay cd rom drive in my rack with a dedicated alimenetation. Everything is in one sampler once and for all practical and aesthetical

    CD 3000 i filled perfectly reader function Sample CD and stores it internally ...

    my other samplers samplent or call directly to SCSI programes ... And truly a function of sampler!

    éditition a little slow, but once understood what the operation is quite efficient.
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