[Feature Article] Getting Down to Work with Reverb - A guide to mixing music - Part 78
We have been discussing reverb for quite some time now, although in a more or less theoretical way. I know it can get a bit frustrating but, trust me, it was necessary. Now that we are done with all …
[Feature Article] The Importance of Contrast in a Mix - A guide to mixing music - Part 77
Today I'll close the brief parenthesis I opened last week. And I'll do that tackling a notion that is crucial when it comes to mixing, namely...
[Feature Article] Of Width and Depth - A guide to mixing music - Part 76
I feel a bit compelled to add a brief parenthesis after what I wrote at the end of the previous article. So, in the next couple of articles I will not limit myself to working with space but rather to…
[Feature Article] More About Compressing Reverb - A guide to mixing music - Part 75
Today we'll continue exploring the use of reverb and dynamics processing by looking at post-reverb compression.
[Feature Article] Reverb Meets Compression - A guide to mixing music - Part 74
Today we'll see how to make reverb and compression work together. At first sight it might seem weird to want to compress a reverb. And yet a compressor placed before or after the reverb can prove qui…
[Feature Article] Gated Reverb - A guide to mixing music - Part 73
In this new episode we'll address the strange marriage between reverbs and gates.
[Feature Article] Sculpting Reverb with EQ - A guide to mixing music - Part 72
With this article we'll close the study of spectral control of reverberation by looking at post-reverb EQ.
[Feature Article] Reverb Damping - A guide to mixing music - Part 71
Today we'll continue our study of frequency control applied to reverberation by addressing damping. Usually, if you have given enough care to choosing your starting preset, you shouldn't need to twea…
[Feature Article] Reverb and EQ - A guide to mixing music - Part 70
When it comes to reverberation, spectral content is crucial. Processing at the frequency level can happen at three distinct points in the audio path: before, during or after reverberation. Today, we'…
[Feature Article] Early Reflections - A guide to mixing music - Part 69
In the last article, we discussed reverb time, which, in the end, corresponds more or less to the duration of the reverb tail. Today we'll take a look at what happens on the other side of the reverbe…