Gibson SG Voodoo - "Gibson SG Voodoo"
Paid $900.00 at a guitar center Its looks cool and it has the same thing on it as the regular sg's but with a cooler look. Thats what got me into that. I just wanted to try it out but after playing …
Gibson Les Paul Studio Gothic - "Gibson Gothic Les Paul"
I had a lot of money (a lot for myself) and I wanted, and needed a new guitar. I wanted to go w/ Gibson because you can't go wrong. I went out to Guitar Center and picked this up used for $960.00. I…
Gibson Les Paul Smartwood - "Gibson Les Paul Smartwood"
£750 including a gig bag at Scayles in Edinburgh The neck feels great, just the wood opposed to the painted and vanished neck of most LPs. The body is thin and relatively light, but when u plug in y…
Gibson Les Paul Classic 1960 Reissue - "Gibson Les Paul 1960 Classic"
Purchased at Centre City Music in CA. Intended to buy a Les Paul Gothic, a professional at the store informed me that although the Gothic was a good axe, recommended me to invest on one that I would…
Gibson Les Paul Studio Gothic - "Epiphone Les Paul Studio Gothic"
I ordered my Epiphone Gothic Les Paul Studio from Musician's Friend for $399.99 having never played one before. The pictures I saw of it just looked so wicked it piqued my curiousity. I knew I coul…
Gibson Les Paul Studio Plus - "Gibson Les Paul Studio Plus"
Local music store - $ 1545.00 This has a lower price than a Les Paul Standard, the other guitar i was considering purchasing. The finish (Desert Burst) is more appealing to me than any of the finish…
Gibson Joe Perry Les Paul Signature - "Gibson Les Paul Joe Perry Signature"
I bought this guitar from a friend of mine 8 months ago. I had to have it the second I saw this little beauty.. He was asking 20 000,- NOK, wich is about 1670$ (This is in Norway, you see..) I manage…
Gibson Nighthawk Special - "Gibson Nighthawk Special"
Purchased used for $850.00 Cnd. Discontinued in 1999. This is the two-pickup model from 1999. This is the most versatile guitar I have owned. It can sound like a Strat or a Les Paul simply by using …
Gibson SG Gothic - "Gibson SG Gothic"
I bought this guitar from Sam Ash in Ontario, Calif., for $850.00 I actually sold my truck to get the money to buy it! I wanted a real musical instrument instead of all the usual cheap stuff I ha…
Gibson Nighthawk Special - "Epiphone Nighthawk Special"
I bought the guitar from 1st Floor Music for $500. I liked the way i which you can get so many different sounds out of the guitar due to the 5-way switch and the coil tap. I also liked the shape an…
Gibson Nighthawk Custom - "Gibson Nighthawk Custom"
Portland Music Company for approximately $1,100 The most versatile guitar I've ever played. Can sound like a Telecaster to a Les Paul and everything in between. Also is a very fast playing guitar an…
Gibson Les Paul Special - "Gibson Les Paul Special"
I picked this guitar up for $499.00 through the musicians friend web site. All mahogony, natural finish USA made Gibson Les Paul for $499... need I say more. Ecellent quality as you would expect f…
Gibson Les Paul Classic Plus [1993-2002] - "Gibson Classic-Plus"
I got this from a collector through Ebay for about $1500 brand new. The sound is very warm and responsive, but has a ton of punch if you go distorted. I play blues (SRV, King, BB, etc...) and let m…
Gibson Les Paul Smartwood - "Gibson Les Paul - Smartwood"
I bought this guitar on e-bay for $700. I was a bit worried buying a guitar like this, but I got lucky. I don't think the guy that sold it to me even played the guitar once - it was in mint condition…
Gibson SG Gothic - "Gibson SG Gothic"
I bought it at a local Sam Ash. The worker told me that they had messed up an order and were overstocked with The SG Gothics... so he sold it to me for $600. The value of the guitar is $1300, but I h…