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Thread Recording guitar with Revalver live...

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Topic Recording guitar with Revalver live...
Hello, guys, I'm new here. I simply need help about recording guitars on Adobe Audition, using Revalver live (an amplifier simulator).
The problem is, when i run the amplifier and press "rec" on Adobe Audition, I do not record the processed sound, but the basic sound of my guitar, without any distortion, effect, etc... It seems like it records directly from my line in, and not from the output of the amplifier.

Thx for the help!
I think you did something wrong with revalver and I don't understand the concept of Audition + plus Revalver live. It's strange, must be at list Audition + VST effects! (revalver or other freeware). Look for freeware amp simulators (TONS) at http://guitar-sound.info at the bottom of this page. The right concept is record clean guitar and then process it using VST plug-ins (revalver etc). Live recording must be implemented in right software. Say simple freeware from https://GuitarFX.Net has clean concept of a stack of fx-slots. Signals goes from top fx-slot to bottom fx-slot and processed by effects selected in fx slots step by step, slot by slot, very clean and very understangig! Recording implemented as "effects", may be selected in any fx-slot. Select "Record-to-wav" in the top fx-slot - wav will content clean guitar sound, select "Record to wav" in the bottom fx-slot - wav will content processed sound! It's very Clean for my stupid mind!