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Thread Has anyone achieved GREAT sound quality with Tascam DP01-FX/CD?

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Topic Has anyone achieved GREAT sound quality with Tascam DP01-FX/CD?
I just bought this machine, and I'd like to make a very high quality CD of simple folk music with it. Acoustic guitar, lead vocal, harmonies, harmonica, and tamborine. Should I be able to easily make extremely clean recordings with this equipment? I have a $200 Groove Tubes condenser mic.
It's just not happening, though. The guitar sounds muddy and bass heavy. There is a little bit of hiss....what is that??? I thought that was no longer a problem when you go digital.
Someone told me I should get a mic pre.....I don't know what to do. Is there anyone out there who can vouch for this machine, that has actually made a high quality recording with it? If you're out there, please reach out to me and let me know what I'm doing wrong. Thank you so much.