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Thread Mbox help please

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Topic Mbox help please

I have borrowed a friends mbox for a short while and I have never used one before. I am trying to sampler records with it. I have my turntable going into my mixer as usual and the master outs from my mixer are running with an RCA to 1/4" TRS into my source 1. But for some reason I can not get a stereo feed. I am just starting out and was told that TRS 1/4" was stereo so why can I only hear one side of the record. the mix nob on the mbox is in the middle and I have tried all settings, mic, line and inst.. same problem. Can anyone tell me how to get a stereo feed to my mbox because it should be possible with a TRS 1/4...

You beed to run your master outs to source 1 and 2 to get stereo. Record both at the same time, and make sure that you keep the tracks panned hard left and right.
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD