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Thread Trying to get started

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Topic Trying to get started
Hello All.

So I've been playing music for a long time and now I want to record. I'm a poor music major. I have no/little money and no computer. What i want to record is rock music, but i'm a pianist and need something that will sound good. It is also important that the drums sound good. What do i need to purchase/do to get myself started. I have instruments just no recording equipment. Please help me.

Thank You
Hello, kurtcobainwannabe.
I recommend a stand-alone digital mixer/recorder like the Tascam Portastudio 788 (http://www.tascam.com/product_list.php?cPath=61&nav=portastudios) or the Fostex VF160 with built-in CDR (http://www.fostex.com/index.php?file=products/digital/vf160). Both have built-in digital effects and flexible EQ'ing. Either of these will save you bucks compared to a PC with a worth-a-damn sound card, adequate CPU, and a bucket full of RAM, not to mention the cost of useful recording software.
Spend some money on good mic's and monitors, also. A recording studio is pretty much only as good as the worst, noisiest, lowest-fidelity piece of equipment in the chain.
Most importantly, IMHO: Don't be impatient and buy cheap crap because you are in a hurry to get started - you'll hate yourself in the morning.
Hope this helps...