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Equipment needed to record a drumset and a guitar

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Topic Equipment needed to record a drumset and a guitar
I am in the process of building recording studio and I was wondering what equipment I should get to do multitrack recording. I plan on recording drums and a guitar at the same time and then add the other instruments one at a time. I just want to get the right equipment at the start and build up. I have the mics picked out and cables, i just need to know the bigger stuff. I was planning on getting a DAW from Central Computer Systems, but I don't know if that's the way to go. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Why a DAW? Just go for a software option (SONAR is excellent). This includes a software mixing desk. Then if you wish you can always add a seperate mixing desk later. Software is much more convenient when it comes to cutting and pasting sections. If you want free software just use Pro Tools free. (Check out there web site.) Also of course, there are hundreds of software effects available.