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Thread Multitrack recording: some hints re good recording SW

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Topic Multitrack recording: some hints re good recording SW
Hi All I am a new member play a bit guitar and sing a bit.
I am running Suse 9.0 on a 2.6 Ghz P4 with 1.5 G mem.
I installed EWS88MT (still not quite sure if I have done it properly ( fighting with "aRtsd).
However I could record and playback with the tools availabe under Suse.
Since EWS88mt can record 8 tracks sim. I am Looking for a multi track recording/mixing/editing SW under Linux of course!!

Could you give me some advice

Thanks Otto ;)
Not trying to knock Linux or anything, but you surely could not have chosen a less multimedia friendly OS. Here is a link that might assist you.
thanks for the reply...but I found , an , as it looks like excellent package:

Ardour ! the only problem is documentation ...but with the help of the user community that works too

cheers otto