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Thread I want to record bands live, help me!

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Topic I want to record bands live, help me!

I'm (relatively) new to some of this, some of this is very old hat to me. I recently purchased a UR-80, and i want to do some live recording of local bands either in their rehersal spaces, or out in local clubs. I have an iBook 800mHz , 356 Ram and two relatively cheap-o mics...I also have an external 8 channel mixer which I could use with more microphones.

my biggest questions are: will I be in trouble with just the two inputs? or will mixing some of the channels externally (and therefore, of course, non editable except as a group track) be okay.

Also, while I plan to do the first few for free, and offer a cd of the performance, how much do you think I should charge thereafter?

Does $150.00 sound reasonable?

and, last but not, crertainly least, what software would YOU use/

Thanks in advance.
you deffinatley need a mixer...
it would kinda be sketchy with two mics......
Two omni mic's could do the trick. The rule of thumb for stereophonic recording of live music with two mic's is to mount them at a 110-degree angle to each other (horizontally) from the same stand - this is the angle between two human ear canals and will best reproduce what an audience member would have heard. You can post-produce with some compression and EQ.
I don't know what type of acts you would contract for, but as far as the groups I've done live sound for - $150 would be most of their take for a night.
Cool idea, though. I hope you are successful.