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Thread M-Audio USB Mobile Pre

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Topic M-Audio USB Mobile Pre
Dear members,
Has anyone used this product before "M-Audio USB Mobile Pre"? what did you think of it? Has anyone used the Mbox before? what do did you think of it?

Mobile pre site

Mbox site

Im planing on purchasing one and buying a Shure sm57, im using cool edit.
I have the same question :lol:
I haven't worked with either, but I believe the MBox only works with ProTools LE. The MAudio box should work with anything.

I've had good experience with other MAudio products.
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD
I've had the MobilePre for about a month now, and I haven't had too many problems with it. The only problem that I've ran across is that for some reason it won't work with my copy of Cakewalk Home Studio 2002, I'm not sure why. I've used it on Cakewalk 7 and am currently using it on Cakewalk 9. It sure beats the 1/8" inputs from the OEM soundcard. I also use their MIDIMAN 2x2 MIDI interface, and that works really well. If you're on a budget, like myself, it wouldn't be a bad buy.

I don't have any experience with the M-Box, but i know it does come with Pro Tools LE. The good thing about Pro Tools, is that the majority of studios around the world have Pro Tools and every version of Pro Tools works with every other version of Pro Tools. So, if you're working at home and want to use a $2,800 mic for your recording that a studio has. You can just take a copy of the file, record it at the studio, then take the new copy back to your studio and keep working on it. You can still take other formats to recording studios but they'll have to convert to Pro Tools then back to whatever you had, and that takes time. And studio time isn't necessarily cheap. But that's if you're going to do something like that.

Anyway, good luck.