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< All Fender American Standard Stratocaster [1986-2000] reviews
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Fender American Standard Stratocaster [1986-2000]
Fender American Standard Stratocaster [1986-2000]
stratguitare stratguitare
Published on 03/12/08 at 15:44
Stratocaster made in United States in 1996 and manufactures clbre so the 50-year history of the brand ... has already 12 years makes ..!!! just a. (The sounds continue to improve every day, all the better!)
Stratocaster standard, prs standard exceptions: alder body like any other but the neck seems thinner and easier to play (I do not know if it's just an impression or on the rel MODEL ...).


Channel trs enjoyable, good Access in acute, we find the right sound immediately ...


The sound on the original 50th was good with the original pickups, but with the Vintage Noiseless that I brought up, it really gets warmer. Trs good sustain.
Defines a hard sound it sounds trs the blues Buddy Guy, SRV, Clapton, Hendrix ... all the microphones dpend chosen and settings ... I think that the replacement of the microphones is to too much ...!!!
I put 10/10 because there is nothing to change the sound, otherwise we must choose one other models, a Gibson sounds fatter but will fail to achieve the same clear sound. ..
Some purists will try to prove to me that the deluxe models or other models signature is nothing comparable, and of the people I tell them I also have a deluxe even a Clapton Signature, ok for playing comfort and finish you can not compare models, but the sound my ears can not prefer one or the other ...
So that's why I put this guitar 10/10 (with the original pickups I would put against by 8 / 10 that remain, however, trs good too ...)


Trs good guitar that is affordable in time (around 800) and will not lose value over the years ...
Good for the collector I know if this model will grow in value rapidly over the years, it has yet even when already 12 years ... (in all cases it will take more than a std strat United States of other years of the 90's), anyway I think that we should not necessarily buy a guitar with this in mind ...