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Thread "Hi...I'm Jim and I'm a Micro-holic"

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Topic "Hi...I'm Jim and I'm a Micro-holic"

I am a musician trying to break into doing Field Recording. I have done three projects to date. Some I would like to post and get some feedback.

This recording thing seems to be an addiction.

Do you guys find yourself combing through pages of gear magazines and listening more intently then ever before, on how a recording is panned and mixed?

I try and figure out if the sound of the vocal track is a tube mic or condenser. Its hard to just listen to a recording anymore with out a technical question popping up.

So am I going nuts or is this part of the 12 step recording addition program?

I guess I'll stop by Mixing and get some input on a new project.

Thanks folks

Hi Jim. Welcome!

Yes, it's an adiction, but you have admitted your problem, and that's Step 1, right?

Keep comin' back, it works when you work it "One Day At A Time!!"
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD