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Thread Analog recording

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Topic Analog recording
Hi everyone, I'm Ernie and I've played guitar for 50 years. I'm "old School" so that will probably explain why I still have a lot of analog recording equipment that I don't want to really part with yet. I have a PC with Guitar Tracks Pro, and WaveLab Lite. Also some Steinburg software but I still prefer the analog sound expecially for guitar. Is anyone here still into analog? I have a Scully 1" 8-track, Scully 2 track 1/4", Quantam QM-168 24 ch mixer, a couple of UREI Teletronix LA-3a limiters, Alesis MiniReverb, and some tube type recording amplifiers. As you can tell, I still like analog. I just don't have the room to set all this up getting it all wired up and operating. I also do video editing as if I don't have enough problems.
Any analog buffs out there, I'd like to hear from you.