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Thread 1 new artist, 3 new tracks.

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Topic 1 new artist, 3 new tracks.

How are things?:cool:

I am a bassplayer from The Netherlands and I've recently started recording under the name Project Alpha.
The first reviews were encouraging but the project is looking for more feedback. Hence I post this message here as well to ask you all to take a moment and go listen and give your opinion/feedback.

My question is also in what style this music should be fitted, is it modern day jazz, fusion, funk, lounge, new age or what?

As said I'm a bassplayer originally but in this project I play all instruments one can hear so far, record and produce all things myself, no samples used in the music.
Accept maybe a drum machine which I programmed myself, played the pattern in live so to speak.
As a bassplayer I'm not a real solo player on keyboard for excample and I find there is room for that still in my work. Trombone maybe in the first piece.
Mainly I try to create a certain atmosphere in my songs rather than make a pop song kind of thing. I think I still have to learn much so any help is welcome.

If you are interested please go and listen at:

I put three pieces there.
The top one called Soaring Eagle I just finished recently.
The middle one is my second attempt and the bottom one on the site is my first
Since response is quite good I'm looking for exposure to, any ideas how I might be able to realise that?
I'm quite new at this ye know.

I recorded, produced and mixed all by my self with Cubase SX 2.
I use a TC Electronics M300 for effects and a Behringer 1602 mixing console.
I know it's still very rough around the edges but I think it's good enough to be looking for exposure.
Do you agree for as far as recording quality is concerned?
If the music is suitable for your taste is another matter perhaps.
If you have any tips or advice please lay them on me.
As said I'm quite new at this.

Thanks in advance and with kind regards, Project Alpha. :lol:

It don't mean a thing if the bass isn't in!


For the welcome and compliments.

With kind regards, P-Alpha.:D

%1$s a écrit Welcome Project Alpha. Good programming on the drum machine. I like your style.

Hey Frankie,

Thanks man:cool:

BOURNE film?????

Excuse my ignorance. I afraid I'm stuck up to my ears in Cubase and instruments.
Maybe I should go out more besides playing gigs, hehehehehehe!!!!!!!

With kind regards, P-Alpha.:D

%1$s a écrit Hi PA, got a great feel and the bass riff sticks in your head. Would sound great in the next
BOURNE FILM. Keep on writing...:cool:

Hi PA, got a great feel and the bass riff sticks in your head. Would sound great in the next
BOURNE FILM. Keep on writing...:cool:
Welcome Project Alpha. Good programming on the drum machine. I like your style.
Project Alpha made it to the TOP 10 on the site my music is situated.
Never thought that possible.
Go to:

if you care to check it out.
Scroll down to the right, at present I'm at number 10 but still many listen to my music apparently, so the Project might even go higher still.
Not bad considering there are over 500 bands and triple that amount or more songs on that site.
Over 7200 streams and downloads now in only 4 months or so.
The slap piece really seems to be received well. Perhaps I should go in that direction more as I do now.
What do you think?
And feel free to listen any time.
With kind regards, P-Alpha.:lol:

Project Alpha has made it into the TOP 10 of the site where its music is situated for streaming and downloads.:lol:

Not bad when one considders there are more than 500 bands there and twice or triple the amount of tracks.
Never thought it would go that way.

If you want to check it out go to :


Scroll to the bottom right, Project Alpha is at place 10 (still).

There are over 6000 streams and downloads registered and still the meter is counting

I would like to thank everyone who helped me with feedback and those who just enjoy what I'm trying to do with Project Alpha.
Want to listen/review/download?

Go to:


With kind regards, P-Alpha.:D