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Thread Watch out there's a newbie about!

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Sujet de la discussion Watch out there's a newbie about!
Hi - Im just starting out in the home recording/sampling game! Ive got some ideas that i want to start turning into tracks and im after some advice on the start up kit im thinking of getting to do this. the only audio i want to record is vocal and guitar - the rest i want to do with a midi controller and lots of software synths.
I've got Cubase VST on a PC and a Mic so far.
I was also going to buy an EMU XBOARD 49 midi controller and the tascam 122 usb soundcard.
Can anybody tell me if im making a big mistake???
I really do want to keep it as simple as possible though - ive been looking at various info on the web over the last few weeks and have suffered from information overload!! Nightmare.

Also - anyone recommend a good software bundle that contains lots of good intstrument / drum synths?

Any advice much appreciated!:D:D:D


Hey there - I've been producing now for about a year and a half - I've tried a couple of packages (Reason, Absynth etc) but the one I have come to love like a new born child is FruityLoops - check out the studio edition.
Its by far and away the easiest to use but it still gives you a lot of power for creation - try it out, you will be impressed.


Alex G