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Hey all!!!

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Topic Hey all!!!
Hey everyone, I just joined so I figured I'd make a quick intro.....

Grew up in Pennsylvania, started playing piano at age 7, bass at age 12. Started my first band at age 13 and basically "played my way through college." I'm now 24 a graduate from Penn State (Sociology - Don't Ask!, It made mom and dad happy) and have basically played every type of music possible. I've been in "Pro" studios (HA HA, sure) several times and have recorded three albums.

I now am in the apprentice/mentor association and am doing the recording engineering program through Audacity Studios in Hollywood, FL. The place is great, but they really push me to be a musician more than an engineer, so.... to help further my chances at being a studio engineer, I purchased an M-Box w/ Pro-Tools LE. I also have access to everything at Audacity. Basically, I have a lot of live sound experience, but I'm still getting used to this whole recording concept (bussing, layers, assigning things to things, ect). I'm looking forward to meeting everyone, learning things, and contributing in whatever way I can.
