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Thread joe meek mq1

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Topic joe meek mq1
i'm running cabasis 2.0 on an iMac with os9.1.
i've just bought an mq1 which was going cheap, but as i don't have a tower type computer, i can't 'slot it in' so will need to use it as a 'separate'.
as it's provided with a ribbon connector for a pc, how would i go about connecting it up to my iMac? :?:

i dont mean to sound like a jerk, but why in the hell would you buy something not compatable with your system?
For the most part, you probably don't need to connect it to your computer. The connector is designed for direct interface with your equipment via a rear port interface, not your computer from what I've seen.

You can see what I'm talking about here http://www.joemeek.com/pdf/mq1quickstart.pdf

Also, I've found a number of these units of MQ1's (Discontinued Stock) for anyone interested since they're discontinued, but still the best optical compressor at this price point to be found. A google search should turn them up quickly at $129 down from list of $249.

Quote: i dont mean to sound like a jerk, but why in the hell would you buy something not compatable with your system?

oooops...too late. i got it up and running ages ago, thanks for the help! the other poster was much nearer the mark, maybe you should reconsider your position???