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Thread Can you recommend a Keyboard?

  • 2 replies
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Topic Can you recommend a Keyboard?
Hi....i'm looking to get a new keyboard suitable for someone just starting out with midi but with lots of features and (hopefully) affordable....
I've been using crappy 2nd hand casio tonebank keyboards till now and have decided its time for me to treat music making a bit more seriously and invest in some good equipment with a view to getting stuff released...
I use a soundcraft spirit e8 desk and have all the midi and audio inputs to the pc sorted....was hoping to gain some knowledge from the general expertise and experience here for a reccomendation of what to buy (the cheaper the better)

thanks everybody

Can you give us some more details so the keyboard players on the forum can help you. How much do you want to spend? Do you juste need a master keyboard? How many keays do you want?
Decided the M-Audio Ozone is the one for me...its got everything i wanted plus its affordable and portable....
