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Thread Qucik question - recording mixes onto PC

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Sujet de la discussion Qucik question - recording mixes onto PC
Essentially I want to record mixes from my set up (Vestax & Technics) into my PC and then MP3 or stream them.

Always seems to be a few trains of thought on this but any tips on what programs to use and how best to do it would be most useful.

Is it just a case of putting the output from the mixer into the PC and then recording it with a suitable program?

Been rocking the tapes for now and need to step up!

Many thanks!
I tried this last night. My set-up was the following:

Technics 1200s
Pioneer DJM 300
PC (350MHZ, 128 RAM) - slow but steady with a SoundBlaaster Live! 1024 sound card

I basically plugged one of the outputs from my mixer into the line-in socket on the sound card (using phono - 3.5mm lead). I then opened up Goldwave (shareware simple recording studio), set it up to record for 85 minutes at 44100Hz (CD quality) and then clicked record and started tearing it up.

I burnt it off onto CD and listened to it coming to work this morning, and the problem I am finding is that there are a lot of pops and clicks on the recording. These aren't on the records and it seems that either my computer might be clipping the sound (although I checked the levels very carefully), the modem may be causing interference, or my system may jsut not be up to the task. However it is just about bearable and having been sick of recording mix tapes I am enjoying this new way of recording. I even managed to create my own introduction looping the beginning of 'American Dream' and stretching out the vocals to create a very eerie effect.

I am going to try going from my hi-fi into my sound card as maybe the amp will cut out any other noises which may be contributing to the clicks.

Let me know how you get on!
clicking may be due to the program trying to track the music?

will have a look at othe recording programs as well

many thanks!
I'm going to try out Cubasis and Sound Forge tonight to see whether I get any better results. Think it must be related to the PC as when I ran a filter over the file to try and get rid of the clicks it just got worse.

Other option I am looking at is the purchase of a SoundBlaster MP3+ external sound card (about £30) which has dedicated phono inputs - am wondering whether this will make it sound any better?

I'll post the results of tonight's experiments on Friday when I get back into the office - I'm hoping I have good news.