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Thread End of Time Productions: Electronic & Industrial

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Topic End of Time Productions: Electronic & Industrial
Hi, I'm Justin from End of Time Productions. I have been making electronic music for about 7 years from my home studio, and also recording metal and folk groups. I was working out of the Detroit area for the last 7 years, but recently moved to Las Vegas for my day job.

I make the music for 999 Gods (experimental electronic with different vocal stylings and effects), The Utopia Project (experimental electronic, some mellow, some hardcore almost metal like), TechniKILL (heavy industrial), AfterBirth (drunks with a drum machine), The Amazing Schwarzenegger (Arnold Dancecore "Go! Get Down! Go Go Get to the Chopper!"), Dialisis (heavy industrial), I recorded demo's for the Detroit area metal group D.I.G., and remastered and promoted the group Alien Conspiracy Theory. I've played quite a few shows in the Detroit area, one of which at The Labyrinth, the famous goth club in Detroit's Cass Coridor, below City Club, the best industrial club I've been to around the country. I currently have 3 Utopia Project albums, 1 999 Gods album, and am putting the finishing touches on the TechniKILL album I've been working on for about 3 years to perfect.

My studio setup is fairly low budget as hardware goes, but I bought a ton of music software, which almost sounds better than the real thing! The basic run down is a 4 track, which I use a a mixing patch bay to the computer. For recording, I record to Acid Music as a rough cut recorder to get unlimited channels. I process the WAV files from there in Cool Edit Pro 2, and then load them into FruityLoops Producer Edition, where I program the beats and non live instruments. For live instruments, I use a basic Yamaha DJX-II as a MIDI controller to play, then play with soundbanks and soundfonts on the computer. I also use Mixman DM2 digital turntables, that play wav files and loops I create in FruityLoops. I use a Shure microphone and Tradition guitar with a Digitech 2 stompbox style multieffects processor for some vocal and guitar effects. A lot of the vocal effects, such as vocoders are done on the computer however. Once my W2's come so I can file for my tax returns and they come back, I'm going to be getting a Korg keyboard with a built in vocoder. It's a fairly low end studio, but I get really good sound out of it.

To wrap this up, you can check out some of my older MP3s and live videos at http://endoftimeproductions.com and if you'd like more new and advanced material, CD's are available for a sale price of $5 each plus shipping. I'm currently working on a batch of free promo CD's with about an hour of new material, that will be available to get from the website in the next month.

Also, we have some TechniKILL tracks being played on The Electric Front internet radio station at http://www.theelectricfront.com. If you are with a internet or indie broadcast station, feel free to play any tracks that are featured on the site. The only request I have is that you mention or link to the site, so listeners can find more material.

Thanks for reading this, and I will be posting on here about technical issues such as software, VSTs, and other electronic music theory either today or in the near future.

Justin Moats
End of Time Productions