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Thread Recording Techniques!

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Topic Recording Techniques!
Hello all! Well, as you may or may not know, i'm new here, but hope to be a regular!
I'm in my final yr at uni, and for my final yr project i'm creating an interactive CD exploring recording techniques! Its going well so far {but i better not speak too soon :P }
I'm going to be recording the violin shortly, then piano, and trumpet. i was just wondering if anyone had any tips on recording techniques? {not the text book stuff, as i'll be using them techniques anyway}
Things that maybe you have picked up maybe by trial and error, and descovered a good sound?!?
So....if anyone would like to share their techniques, i'll try them out in the studio and let u know how they turn out!
Thanks guys ;) [color=darkred][/color]
I moved the post into recording tips part. If you would like to answere, please go to this link