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Thread Recording question

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Sujet de la discussion Recording question
I am a musician and I am at the moment trialing Cakewalks guitar tracks software. I want to be able to record a track (the rhythm guitar) then record on the 2nd track the lead guitar....but I want to listen to the rhythm whilst recording the 2nd track.... but I don't want the 2nd track to include the 1st track. Does that make sense
In other words I want to keep both guitars separate but I need to hear the 1st guitar whilst recording the 2nd guitar

Quote: I am a musician and I am at the moment trialing Cakewalks guitar tracks software. I want to be able to record a track (the rhythm guitar) then record on the 2nd track the lead guitar....but I want to listen to the rhythm whilst recording the 2nd track.... but I don't want the 2nd track to include the 1st track. Does that make sense
In other words I want to keep both guitars separate but I need to hear the 1st guitar whilst recording the 2nd guitar

Of course this is possible!!! this is the basis of multi-track recording ;-)

If you have this problem, this is because you choose the mixer of your sound card as input for the recording... in this case, everything you are listening is recorded. You must specify in "input" the corect signal...