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Thread Greetings

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Topic Greetings
My name is Mike, but I go by Celt

I run a small home studio in rural Missouri

All the clips on there are roughly a year and a half old, so I'm distancing myself from them to the audiophiles! :D

I play in a band
The mp3's on that site are more current of my work.

I also do music for a television hunting show, commercials, etc.

Right now, I'm getting ready to move out of the 'home studio' basement and actually get a building for business so I can take it a little more seriously, so I'm constantly checking out places like this for new info and tips.

My recording rig is computer based (I'm running a dual 1600 Athlon system), 2 Echo Layla 24's, Nuendo and various plug ins.

Look forward to learning here.