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Thread Music,Meditation,Medicine.

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Topic Music,Meditation,Medicine.
[color=darkblue][/color]It is quite possible to be both a musician and a Yogi. In Mother India there have been many saints, sages and spiritual Masters who were blessed with divine music. Their musical talent did not interfere with their God-realisation, and even after achieving God-realisation, their musical talents did not leave them.

Yoga means union, inseparable oneness with God. A Yogi is one who has established conscious union with God. He can easily become a musician because in his inseparable oneness with God, he can do anything he wants. But a Yogi has to wait for Godâ₉„¢s Will. If it is Godâ₉„¢s Will, he will become a musician; or if it is Godâ₉„¢s Will, he will become something else. Otherwise, he will just remain with his own lofty realisation and oneness; he will reveal and manifest the highest Peace, Light and Truth the way the Supreme wants him to.

When an individual realises God, he and God are not different beings; they are one, like a tiny drop and the vast ocean. In the same way, sometimes the soul responds to music. The soul thrills to music; it just melts and becomes one.




Quote: he will reveal and manifest the highest Peace, Light and Truth the way the Supreme wants him to.

OK, do you recommend to record that with 24/96 or will average CD-Quality suffice?
Is there a Way to sample that for MIDI-Use?


Quote: K
