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Greetings from Detroit, Michigan

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Topic Greetings from Detroit, Michigan
Just thought I'd introduce myself to you all since I'm completely new to your forum. I hope I can learn something from you all and perhaps offer some of my own expertise. Right now I'm working with k-principle as musician and recording engineer/producer. It's fun, but it's tough wearing all three hats at once.

I'm moving into a new place in just six days where I finally have the opportunity to actually build a studio. So far I've been running everything out of my apartment where urban noise and RFI interference has been a constant headache. I don't care what kind of equipment you have, if you live next to a radio tower, you'll never escape the interference!

But finally, I have all the plans and equipment ready to go, so in a month I hope to finally have the professional sound recorded that I've been dreaming of for ten years. God, has it been that long? Yup, I guess it has. As they say, overnight success is ten years in the making... Well, one can only hope.

Well, hope you all have tomorrow off of work and can spend more time with your projects!