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Topic Introduction
Hi everyone, Im so glad I found this site, I look forward to chatting with everyone on a subject we all have in common. I play guitar, bass and dabble in keyboards and drums. I am currently using the Boss BR1600CD 16 track recorder with a Mackie 1402vlz mixer and monitor thru a pair of active Roland DS5,s. So far I seem to be achieving some very punchy recordings, all instumentals ranging from easy listening, blues to hard rock. I am still not full bottle on using the mastering program incorporated in the Boss BR1600CD recorder. However at this stage I just rely on my ear to get me through. I would love to hear from anyone who uses the Boss BR1600CD recorder in their home studio to exchange ideas.
G,day everyone. Im Gorty (Kev). I have been recording for a few years now. My current set up: Boss BR1600CDR digital workstation, Mackie 1402VLZ mixer, Roland DS5 studio monitors(active), various Fender, Ibanez, Jackson guitars, Boss ME5 guitar effects,Dunlop Cry Baby wahs, Casio MTK 591 Keyboard, Marshall and Laney amps and quad boxes. I have only recorded instumentals at this stage, maybe soon with vocals.