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Thread Studio for MC's what's your 2 cents

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Topic Studio for MC's what's your 2 cents
I'm an aspiring rapper trying to set up a high tech mini studio in my house quickley when i complete my deployment in Iraq in a few more weeks.

This is what I have:
PC with Creative Audigy soundblaster 2
AKG 2000 Mic
Single in/out mic preamp
Acid Pro 4.0 (mixing)
Reason 2.5 (i try to make beats sometimes)

Essentially what i want to happen is to be able to capture a very high quality sound into the mic and come out with excellent mixes made with primarily electronic music (some midi action for beatmaking)so...

So far i plan on aquiring:
*professional quality audio interface w/midi (minimal channels)*
*mid to high end studio monitors (right now i got a $75 stereo)
*a sound treated room with acoustic foam (turn closet to vocal booth)
*Monster cable for mic and monitors
*very basic keyboard that supports Midi (just to utilize the sounds in Reason 2.5

so if you read all that i gotta ask: what do you think? mainly i'm trying to get feedback about the audio interface. like those usb/firewire ones, do you just keep your factory soundcard in when you hook that up? becuase my soundblaster has 2 firewires on it but i'll lose those if i go and uninstall that. but i'll do it for the sake of sound quality.
I thinkl that is quite good setup. Only audiy2 is not soundcard design for recording it is a game card. I suggest you something from M-audio.
And you'll need good studio monitors for about 500$.

And what the hell are you doing in iraq?
i'm deployment with the Ohio Army National Guard. Someone told me that Echo and RME were easily better picks than m-audio. i was planning on nixxing the audigy. with what is my only issue
Consider the ProteusX for sound card www.emu.com
A MIDI controller from Evolution might be what you need for simple triggering
www.m-audio.com also look at the DX4 monitors while at the M-audio site.
These things should give you some pro to semi-pro functionality without spending huge dollars. You could be up and going with significant improvement in operation for about $450 total investment. There are bigger and better things out there but, depending on how deep your pockets are or how much you like to maintain other life sustaining activities (like rent lights water food) it's your call to go for the high-end gear.
Most folks starting out have not developed the "ear" to really detect the difference between say a Tannoy Reveal and a Edirol monitor. If you plan to have a trained engineer come in or you yourself are at the level, then yes go for all the "bells and whistles" but never make a purchase to fit industry stardards or to be popular...get what works for you. And remember expensive doesn't always mean better quality, some times one pays for a name.
First of all, God bless you for your service with the Guard. Thank you.....

If your SB card has Firewire, that should be fine. Firewire is purely a digital data transfer, so you sound shoul dbe just ones and zeros by the time it hits the SB card. Get a good firewire interface, and you should be ok. MAudio is good stuff, so long as you steer away from their USB stuff.....
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD