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Thread Anyone know how to fix this issue?

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Topic Anyone know how to fix this issue?
I recently purchased a new Power Mac 2.0 Ghz Dual Core which just came in the mail yesterday. Since then I went to my local "Guitar Center" and bought an M-Audio Firewire 1814 for my interface to use with Pro-Tools 6.8. For some reason whenever I try to load up Pro-Tools it tells me "Digidesign hardware is in use by another application. (-1133)". I have tried uninstalling the interface drivers and reinstalling them however it still says the same thing everytime I try to load it up. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Well I did some more research. Apparently Pro-Tools Version 6 does not work properly with OXS Tiger. I went to Digidesign.com and downloaded the 7.0 upgrade and now it works. I hope this helps anyone else in the future that may have the same issue.