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Thread which computer

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Topic which computer
i am student of sound recording and engg.. and now i plan to buy a pc ...so which type of computer is good for mee....[/b]
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Then to advice you a PC, I suggest you ake an Intel CPU with Intel chips on the motherboard, a good hard drive (Seagate is for me the best choice for performance and silence), and at least 512 Mo. The power of the CPU is not important if you want just make recording.
If the computer is to be used for music (mostly) applications and doesn't require a ton of PCI hardware, it is possible to assemble a system based on a Shuttle mainframe, P-4 2.8 GHz, 80 GB HDD, 512 MB RAM, 52x CD drive, Mouse, Keyboard, and Creative Audigy-2 ZS soundcard for about $800. Shuttle now uses a very quiet, ultra efficient cooling system that is perfect for a music-oriented environment. I just put one together to host several of my virtual softsynths in order to take some of the CPU load off of my main SONAR-based workstation environment. The audio specs on the Audigy 2 are better than most "pro" PCI cards, and the ZS comes with ultra-low latency ASIO drivers. As long as you don't need to add a PCI SCSI controller, a PCI Fax-MODEM, or any other PCI card (the Shuttle has only 1 PCI slot), the platform gives you everything you will need. The Shuttle fully supports FireWire (2 ports) and USB-2 (3 ports) so you can add all of the high speed peripherals (e.g., HDDs, DVD-R, etc) you might ever want. Also, since 10/100 Ethernet is built in, you can do all of your networking through that port. My goal is to eventually incorporate 3 Shuttle computers into my system and replace 5 of my Keyboards and sound modules.

For those people that haven't heeard the latest DXi or VSTi instruments, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. I have already replaced my ARP Oddessy, DX7-II, and my Prophet-600 with the Oddity, FM7, and Pro 53 VSTis, respectively. I am awaiting the arrival of the Korg Calssic Collection package which will enable me to replace my Wavestation keyboard and my MK-20. Arturia, has a MiniMoog DXi coming out soon that has the full endorsement of Bob Moog. After hearing their Moog-5 VSTi emulation, I am totally convinced that the MiniMoog instrument will fill the void left when I sold my last MiniMoog. I think that this is the future. Modeling has come a long way, and the quality of the analog simulations is astounding. Most digital synths can be directly emulated and sound identical to the instruments they emulate (i.e., the FM7 actually sounds better than the DX7-II in that it is quieter and has provisions for greater dynamic rangs (24-bit)). There atre a ton of DXi and VSTi samplers available, also. By adopting the multiple-Shuttle concept, I will save about half the floor space dedicated to my studio.

Hello Mosspa,

100% agree with you. This is not the cheapest solution, but the more efficient for sure! This is the best set up to avoid "drop out" problems.

And the need for recording multitrack (good hard drive, good sound card) or for running a softsynth (good CPU and a lot of memory) are definitivly not the same. So, taking 2 computer and running applications separatly is the top ;-)