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Notation Page Numbering in Cubase 6

  • 3 replies
  • 2 participants
Topic Notation Page Numbering in Cubase 6
I have made some kind of error when numbering pages?

I typed in %p but some pages I have duplicate Page numbers?

1. How do I remove all Page Numbers to start afresh?


2. How do I correct the error?

Many thanks
I am not a Cubase user, so I can't answer you directly, but I'll see if I can get an answer for you from Steinberg.
Thanks Mike!

Don't worry now as I managed to get help from two sources -

1. The Steinberg Forum

2. I managed to locate the Steinberg agents now called Steinberg-Yamaha

ALL sorted!

Again my sincere thanks for your kind offer!

BTW: What Software do you use?

I use Sibelius & Cubase 6.

I was also a SCORE user for years (Prof. Leland Smith, now deceased) but that was DOS based, now redundant unless you want to use DOS BOX, which I can't be bothered with frankly!
BTW: What Software do you use?

I mostly use Pro Tools, because I really like its editing and recording interface. It drives me crazy at times, because, at least on my Mac, it's kind of glitchy. I'm also not thrilled about the imminent switch to a subscription pay model. I've toyed with the idea of moving to another DAW, but there are aspects of the Pro Tools feature set that I have not been able to find in any other software (for example, the Clip Gain line), and am very dependent on in my production work.

If I were doing a lot of electronic music, I would probably use Ableton Live, which is an amazing program and incredibly stable. I have also recently discovered the Project Page in Studio One, which is a great mastering environment.

Glad you got your Cubase issue squared away.