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Thread Disable Focusrite Control software when using Logic Pro?

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1 Disable Focusrite Control software when using Logic Pro?
As a complete newbie to DAWs and audio interfaces, I am using a Clarett4Pre with Logic Pro and get annoyed that I can't use the standard Logic Pro monitoring buttons (mute, volume sliders, etc.) because the Focusrite Control software takes over.

Is there a way of disabling the Focusrite software so I can monitor using the Logic Pro controls? I don't mind only being able to have one mix for the speakers and the headphones? I don't want to completely uninstall the Control software in case I decide to use the more advanced functionality later.


Good morning,

Sorry that you're having some issues.
Please note that Focusrite Control allows you to monitor your input signal in a couple of different ways, either direct from the input (which I think is what you're talking about), and monitoring through your DAW (what I think you're looking to do).
Each output of your 4Pre can be assigned to do either, so if you want all outputs the same, be sure to change each output in the right-hand section of Focusrite Control:
- In order to direct monitor, which I think you're doing now, each output is likely set to 'Custom Mix', however you will want to change each output to 'Playback (DAW) 1-2'. This essentially tells the 4Pre to monitor all signal AFTER your DAW, and so all input monitoring, volumes etc are managed in Logic. Note that in this setting, your input monitoring is susceptible to any roundtrip latency that your system is suffering, however on Claretts, this is usually very low.

I hope the above helps, please let me know if you need anything else.
Simon // Focusrite Technical Support