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Topic New Scarlett Focusrite 2i2 gets "stuck in a loop" after a few minutes of playback on Windo
I have a brand new Scarlett Focusrite 2i2 that I've connected to a new machine (I've built) running Windows 10.

After a minute or less of playback in either Pro Tools First, or EZmix 2, the sound card gets "stuck in a loop", where it produces a loud buzzing sound that overpowers the signal from the computer (guitar, metronome and so forth).

In EZmix, I can repair this issue from the audio settings by "Resetting the Device".

I've updated all of my motherboard USB drivers and devices

I'm new to guitar recording equipment, and I've heard they can particularly painful to setup in Windows 10.

Any advice forward to get playback from EZmix or Pro Tools First to last more than a minute would be fantastic!
Hi Nick,

Sorry to hear of the issues, but I am happy to help find a solution.

Lets first Optimize your PC following this guide: https://support.focusrite.com/hc/en-gb/articles/207355205-Optimising-your-PC-for-Audio-on-Windows-10

Since you have the 2i2 (2nd Gen) can you tell me which driver you installed for the unit?

If you have not installed the driver more conducive to using Pro Tools First (which is the 4.12 driver) please remove the currently installed driver from Programs and Features and then install this driver with the unit disconnected: https://support.focusrite.com/hc/en-gb/article_attachments/206158489/FocusriteUSBInstallerPT1st4-12-1-131.exe

Once installed please test again. If you should find that the behavior returns it will be ideal to also look into DPC Latency.

Since WIndows is not a "real-time" operating system it issues Procedure Calls in which drivers are given a chance to execute and do their jobs. If drivers are out of date or if components are not functioning well within the system, the execution times of the drivers can be too long and prevent other drivers from having the ability to do their job.

Can you download this program, LatencyMon, and run it while playing audio at the same time, making sure to actually replicate the problem.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ff671c5n2adr0y/LatencyMon.exe?dl=0 (LatencyMon)

Please also go to the Drivers Tab, sort by Highest Execution, with the highest on top, and post a Screenshot of that page. http://www.wikihow.com/Take-a-Screenshot-in-Microsoft-Windows

Once I have a bit more information, I can aid you further!

Best regards,
David // Focusrite Technical Support
Quote from Nick:

After a minute or less of playback in either Pro Tools First, or EZmix 2, the sound card gets "stuck in a loop", where it produces a loud buzzing sound that overpowers the signal from the computer (guitar, metronome and so forth).

In EZmix, I can repair this issue from the audio settings by "Resetting the Device".

This sounds like the issue I'm having with the new drivers (4.12) on scarlett 2i4 (new gen).

I don't use Pro Tool First or EZmix 2, but mostly just general stuff like youtube, games, microphone for teamspeak, etc.

Previously, there was the issue where audio would get distorted after hours of use, which was fixed in the latest drivers (I haven't seen it happen now).

However the new issue is, like you describe, a looping sound. This also seems to happen randomly. Sometimes soon, sometimes after hours of use.

I'll try to record the sound next time it happens.
Hi Desaster,

Sorry to hear of the issues.

Were you able to follow my suggestions in my post to Nick? If so, what were your findings thereafter?

If you are able to capture the sound it would be ideal to open a ticket with us so that we can provide some more personalized support!


Best regards,
David // Focusrite Technical Support

I've now opened a support ticket with focusrite.


I've uploaded a recording of the noise to youtube. Does this sound like the same kind of noise as you are experiencing, or are we talking about a different thing?

Hello Desaster,

The noise that you are experiencing is definitely not common and should not be happening.

In the video, I see that you are playing back recorded audio. Did your unit record the noise as well or did that noise manifest on playback only?

Since you have a ticket open with us, I would like to check in on where things are with your issue. Can I have your ticket number please?

Best regards,
David // Focusrite Technical Support