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Thread Scarlett 18i20: Playback and MIDI Latency issue after Upgrade

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Topic Scarlett 18i20: Playback and MIDI Latency issue after Upgrade
Hi, so i just purchased a Scarlett 2nd gen 18i20, upgrading from a Scarlett 2i2. Everything has seemed great so far except for the fact that I now have more of a latency when working in my DAW. I use FL Studio & ASIO with a buffer length of 5ms.

With the 2i2 I had no lag when pressing play on my tracks. Now I have nearly a quarter of a second before FL plays sound. This latency of course transfers over to MIDI when trying to record with my keyboard, which is incredibly annoying as the 2i2 with MIDI worked just fine.

The only difference with how I'm recording my audio is through a new software that came with the 18i20 called "Focusrite Control". I've done everything to try to get this latency to disappear. How could this upgrade have made interaction with my DAW slower?

Here's a link to my ASIO settings: Link
Here's a link to my Focusrite control settings: Link

I'm using Windows 10 64 bit.
I have an intel i7 4.00GHz CPU.

I must be missing something, but would anyone know how to fix this?

Cheers for any help!

[ Post last edited on 03/20/2017 at 23:22:46 ]

Hi xijpxi,

You should not experience additional latency issues with the 2nd Gen 18i20.

I can see that you have ASIO4ALL selected within your DAW which is likely causing this issue.

Ideally you will want to select the Focusrite ASIO driver within the DAW since ASIO4ALL is a generic ASIO driver that will not guarantee proper functionality with the 18i20.

Once done, please choose a buffer size of 128 samples or less within your DAW.

Do you find that the latency issue is still present when entering MIDI data?

Best regards,
David // Focusrite Technical Support