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Thread Route Incoming Channels 15 & 16 to Virtual Audio Cable (input) Windows Audio

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  • 2 participants
Topic Route Incoming Channels 15 & 16 to Virtual Audio Cable (input) Windows Audio
I am looking for a lightweight software that can route audio channels (daws/streams) 15 & 16 (only), coming into my windows machine from fireWire, to a virtual recording device that would appear in Control Panel >> Sound >> Recording [tab].

Virtual Audio Cable is a good software but doesn't allow me to select channels 15 & 16.

It cannot include any other channels.

Grateful for anyone with insight on this.
Perhaps Jack is something you can use.
Jack can be setup in multiple ways.


You could route a stream Daw output 16 to jack in 1. The virtual recorder should listen to jack channel 1.

What I do know is that not all the programs out there can handle Jack but it is worth trying.

There is one thing you must do.
Jack has to run before any other program and has to be selected as main interface

- Angelie

It's not about what you got to use ....    but how you use what you got...