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Do you have to mute the Clarett before recording?

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  • 2 participants
Topic Do you have to mute the Clarett before recording?
Hi There,

When I record, I can hear both the recorded audio and what sounds like slightly out of time monitoring from somewhere - maybe coming from Focusrite control? Not sure.

Is there a way to only monitor the recorded audio? I'm not 100% sure what's happening here as I didn't have this issue with a DIGI 003. I'm using the MPC 2.0 software to record.

Any pointers in the right direction would be much apreciated.


Hi cmscss,

This will be due to the Clarett's default routing containing your hardware inputs in Focusrite Control. So if you want to monitor using your DAW then you can either use the preset System Playback in Focusrite Control which will remove the monitoring of the hardware inputs or you can mute these if you'd prefer to stick with the Custom Mix.

Alternatively if you want to monitor directly using the Clarett then just don't turn on Input Monitoring in your DAW.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Alex Bull // Focusrite Tech Support