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Thread voicemaster pro distortion

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Topic voicemaster pro distortion
Hi all, I am at the end of my rope and don't know where to turn, So I am asking here for a little help or point me in the right direction.

I have a Focusrite voicemaster pro preamp and have always been happy with it. It has been all I could afford for now so it is my main vocal preamp. A while back, I had an artist come in and while getting ready, he sang very loudly and my gain was up too high and so was pegging out but I didn't notice it because I didn't have my headphones on yet. Well, it started distorting and now no matter what level of signal goes in, it is crackling and distorting. You know the really nasty kind of distortion. Well my question is, has anyone dealt with this or know what I can test in the circuit? Or if not, then point me to a forum where I might get some answers? I just can't afford to send it off. I'm good with soldering and replacing but just don't know where to begin. Power supply, opamp, resisters, filters, etc? Thank you very very much for any help you can give