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Thread Questions about Focusrite Saffire Pro 40

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Sujet de la discussion Questions about Focusrite Saffire Pro 40
I am completely new the world of recording/micing/audio so when you respond, please remember you are speaking to an ignorant user =)

I am planning on getting a SF Pro 40 to use with mic'ing up a drumset. I plan on using 6-7 mics on the drumset, which I believe leaves me with 1 extra XLR input (theres 8 on there right?). Now my question concerns other inputs. When I plug in headphones to listen to whats coming through the mics, do I put the headphones directly into the unit, or into the computer which its connected? If I wanted to play an iPod through the headphones while listening to the mics on the drums is there another port i can plug that in?

Also something thats confusing me, I understand that with a unit like the SFP40, I do all the EQ'ing on a computer. Is it possible to listen to the EQ'd mics through headphones while I play the instrument?

Any other information you could give me would be appreciated.
